Product No: WEC-510
Introducing the techniques of Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals' complete solution for keeping the surfaces free from scaling and desposition during heat transfers. WEC-510 product is absolutely efficient to cater to removal of metal oxide, sludge, mineral scale and other combinations. WaterEx's WEC-510 Boiler multifunctional chemical is available in various categories which include the Scale inhibition and Corrosion Inhibition. The chemical is carefully here mixed with the impeccable oxidation corrosion elimination, precise pH valuem instant oxygen removal. Additional advantage is that it is eco friendly and is a single feed treatment. To reduce and remove the levels of scales and corrosion from the water treatment plants, process boiler steam generation, water purification and food processing units these chemicals are useful.
Products that require under Boiler water treatment chemicals are boiler compounds, All-in-one boiler treatment chemicals, low medium pressure boiler treatment and boiler antifoam. This chemical helps to provide corrosion protection to metals during descaling and also helps to eliminate loose corrosion products, dirt, clay and silt deposites.